April 5, 2009 Sunday khan Chennai Mizo Welfare Assn. chuan Inthlahna ni lunglenthlak leh hlimawm ang reng tak chu St. Peter's Church, III Floorah tluang takin kan hmang a, kan hlim viau laiin kan lungte pawh a leng nghal viau mai.

Nl. Lily leh Nl. Lalnuntharite'n Biakin kawng pengah member lokalte an lo welcome a, an hmel hlim tak leh zangkhai taka mi an lo dawngsawng chuan midangte a titlangnel nghal sawt mai

Dr. Nghinglova leh Nl. Mawiteite'n stage zawlah inchhaikual paha mipui min kaihruai chu an zei dunin min tihlim hle a, stage tualzawla chettlat chu an mikhual lo dun viau a ni. Mut a chhuak lo chiang e.

'Chepauk Tual Upa' tia hriat hlawh tlangval fel leh rintlak Tv. David Lalrammawia'n Worship report 2008-09 tawi kim takin a pe a, a hun hman thiam chu report pe tur zawng zawngin entawn turin Nl. Mawitei emcee chuan a ngen nghal.

Kan General Secreatry Tv. Tea(Kebai) pawhin 2008-09 report Tv. Davida dungthulin tawi felfai takin a rawn pe leh a. Kebai kumhlun erawh a ni lo, hmannia an inkhelhnaah a ke a titliak palh hlauh atin a ni.

Hei le! Nidanga CMWA thiltihnaa a zai ka lo la hriat ngai reng reng loh, nula zaithiam tak mai Nl. Mahruaiin kal chhuak turte thlahna atan mawi takin a rawn zai a, hmahruaitu nih a inhmehin bul a rawn tan tha hle, a ngaihnawm thlawt a ni.

Nl. Elizabethi'n financial report a rawn pe a, CMWA member kumhlun a ni bawk a, a rawn inti tatu hle mai a, a finance report pe pawh financial campaign a rawn hmang emaw tih mai tur khawpin a rawn tang. Tangka khawihtu atana tha tak tur a ni reng e.

Tv. Johny, MCC tlangval zaithiamin uluk leh lungrun tak maiin; fiahfai tliang mawi tak nen mipui a rawn awi veleh thung a, mipui an ngawi thuap a, a aw leh a hla sakin min khawih tlang a ni ber mai.

'CMWA Pa' tih mai tur khawpa Chennai Mizote thahnemngai leh taima taka uap tlat rengtu CMWA president Pu PC Lallawmsanga IPS chuan Inthlahna thu rawn sawiin, kal chhuak turte tana kir leh mai duhna rum rum turin 'uithu' leh fuihna thu tha tak a rawn sawi a, ani hi hotu leh pa nih a tling thin hle.

Nl. Deborah mipuite zaia awi tura lo ding chhuak chu kan emcee ten interview an lo neihpui te te a, tawngkam an thiam bawk a, zawhna an zawh pawh a hlimawm, a chhanna lah a chhuanawm bawk...zai leh sawi an kawp a ni ber e

Kalchhuak turte aiawhin Major Lalliankunga Vice President chuan thu a sawi a. Chennai khawlum tak chhuahsana Zo thlifim leh chhemdam thlifim thawt heuh heuhna Zoram lama kir leh chu chakawm tak ni mahse Chennai khawpui leh CMWA memberte an ngaihawm dawn zia sawiin, kalchhuak turte aiawhin member tinte hnenah duhsakna a hlan a ni
'The Zuzis' tello chuan CMWA function tin mai hi a zuzi zo mai ang tih hlauhawm khawpin anni hian min chawkhlim thin a, mahni insengsovin mipuite min awihlimna tur hian an lo inbuatsaih tauh tauh thin a, kan hlimpui viau thin reng a ni. An vocalist kumhlun a awm loh avangin vocalist thar an la a, ani hian hneh takin mipui a rawn chawktho a.

'An lung a leng ve ngei ang' tih hla chu sa chiah lo mahse Tv. Zuala'n a chhuahsan mai tur Chennai khawpui leh member la chambang turte 'mangtha-na' tura muang fan raiha a hla rawn sak meuh chuan mipui lam atangin 'cham rih rawh kan vangkhuaah hian...' ti duh mai tur hmel an kat nawk mai!

A dan pangngaitein Nl. Nautei chuan thinlung leh tih takzetin fak hla a rawn hlan a, a mawi danglam thin hle.
Kan emcee ten Chennai nuam a tihna chhan an zawha a chhanna erawh tlar hnunglama thuten an pawmpui tha duh lo tlat mai....

CMWA Executive member kalchhuak turte stageah ko chhuakin eng engemaw emcee ten an zawt a. Tv. Ruatpuia chuan, "Zoram lam haw chakna chhan chu chhungte vang a nia...chennaia la awm a chakawmna chhan chu...." a sawi zik tluak tha duh tlat lo.

Kan emcee Nl. Mawitei'n min bawl...rawmawl a tuai mum a, a vawrh kang a, chutih lai taka lo nuih tur tiin.... Za lo deuhvin kan nui a, tawp thut a ngai leh sia...nuih a za duh leh ling khawp mai.

Pi Dingi Sanga chuan zirlai kalchhuak turte hnenah certificate a sem a, kumina zirlai kal chhuakte zingah mi hlawhtling tak tak engemawzat CMWA in a nei a, an chhuanawm hle a ni.

Tv. Henry-a, Zoram zaithiam lar, mahna state pawna zaia eizawnna kawng rawn zawha Chennai khawpuia awm mek chuan 'intizei' ni lo, zei leh confi takin, lungrun leh thinlung dek tak hla a rawn vawrh leh a, rilru in hman leh tun a ngaihtuah kual nghal zung zung a, hm...thinlung a dek a ni ber e

Tambaram lamin tlachawp program an rawn hmang....drum vaw tur, guitar perh tur...hla an thlang chawp a....an ti nawk nawk a, hla pakhat chu an rawn kur chhuahpui ve mai bawk a, an tihlimawm phian lehnghal a.

Mipui lam chuan program tin mai hi 'ka ang hovin' an lo thlir hlawm a...

A 'boruakah' kan ti dawn nge a 'moodah'... an cheng kan ti dawn zawk...thutpuite pawh ngaihsak miah lovin stage lam an enkhawh puk hlawm mai....

Kan thlir ning lo, kan ngaithla kham mai dawn lo a ni ber awm e....

Hetiang nikhuaah hian 'en bik' lo neih mai hi a awl an ti thin thil chhut mite chuan....

Thawh phan nei miah lo Nl. Zonuni leh a thiannu chuan hnunglam atangin mipuite sa min rawn barh a ni ber awm a, hla mawi taka an rawn sa dun chuan mipui rilru a kai thova, thut hmun atangin an lo zawm dual dual a...

The Zuzis hovin min hawsan tawh dawn avanga CMWA lam kan lungngaih hle laiin an chhangdawltu tur mi thar tha tak tak, music thiam tak tak leh zai lamah pawh duai lo tak tak tur an rawn inlar leh nghal zat mai

An zai thiam mai bakah he mite music rawn khawih rik dan hi a danglam tlat mai...chu chuan function leh huna an performance thlir min tichak lawk a ni....

Tv. Lalthakima (TKA) Worship Secretary chuan lawmthusawina hun thiam tak, felfai leh huamkim takin a rawn hmang...

2009-2010 CMWA Office Bearer tur thlanna neih nghal a ni a, inthlan buaipuituten inthlan result puangin Hruaitu tharte hming chhiar chhuakin lawmpuina chibai an buk a...
Heng mite hi CMWA 2009-10 Office Bearer turte an ni ta:

President: Pu P.C.Lallawmsanga IPS
Vice President: Pu Benjamin L. Sailo Software Engineer
Gen. Secy: Tv. Dr. Lalnghinglova, M.V.Sc
Associate Secy: Tv. Johnny Lallawmsanga M.Sc, MCC
Treasurer: Nl. Saithanmawii Ph.D,(Philosophy) MU
Fin. Secy: Nl. H. Lalhmingmawii Ph. D (Hist) Ethiraj
CMWA Hruaitu tharte hi an chhuanawm hlawm hle a, an kaihhruaina hnuaiah CMWA tluang leh tha taka a kal ngeio pawh ka beisei tlat a ni.

Puitling mai ni lo, naupang pawhin nuam an ti ve viau mai...

Tichuan vawksa leh arsa ruai tui tak nen...hlim takin CMWA 2009 Inthlahna program chu hman zawh a ni ta.
A hmuhnawm hlawm khawp e. In la ngai viau dawn a nih hi le
@fela, nia hei kan chhuahsan tawh dawna chennai chu, lung a lenglawk nghal deuh mai dawn alawm mawle...
Chennai-ah chuan intihlim tham Mizo in lo awm anih hi. Tin, in hruaitute pawh hi zirlai chhuanawm tak tak leh officer hna sang chelh te an ni hi a lawmawm. Theihtawp chhuah zel teh u.
In tan Chennai chhuahsan chu khawhar thlak nalai a awmin ka ring. I zirlai tha taka i zo hi kan chhuang che.
@Zairemthiama Pachuau, nia...kan hruaitute hi chhuanawm tak an ni hlawm e. Chennai mizote hi kan inthuruala, kan thawkho tha bawk a, a nuam phian...kan chhuahsan tur pawh lung a leng ve riau tak asin!
Min lawmpuinate avangin ka lawm khawp mai.
I hna leh zirlaite i tluan ka beisei, kan lo tawngtai pui fo che u a nia
In hun chhunga Chennai in par viau leh i invaivar viau mai hi lawmawm kan ti khawp mai. Lalpan kawng chi hrang hrangin a hmang che a ni.
Kunga, Zoram lam tang chuan Blog lam a lang ta lo em ni hei i blog hian up date ava chak tawh ve. In dam alawm maw, in hna thar te chu, in tui viau a nih kan ring e. I blog i hawng ngai tawh lo nge ka hre lova, hei pawh hi i chhiar har viau mai thei a.
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Pi leh pu duhtakte u,
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